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Striving for




Cherry (Y4)

Welcome to Year 4 Maple class with Mrs Miller. Our class is supported by Mrs Platts, Miss Dickinson and Miss North.

This page includes useful information about our learning, daily expectations and key dates.

Important information

Our PE days are:

 Monday - swimming (requires a swimming kit including swimming hat, no jewellery allowed)

Friday - PE kit  (no jewellery to be worn in PE lessons)

Our weekly spelling tests are on Monday. New spellings will be given weekly and stuck in planners. Please use spelling shed to practice at home. 

Homework will be given out every Friday and will be due the following Friday. 



Everyday equipment 

Children should ensure they have a water bottle, a reading book and their planner daily.

Planners are checked on a Friday to monitor the weekly reads. Children should read at least 4 times a week and this should be recorded in their planner. 


This half-term, we will be reading The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. 

We will be writing different genres: diary, newspaper articles, stories and poetry. 



In the Autumn term, we will be further understanding place value, numbers up to 10, 000, adding and subtracting two 4-digit numbers.  We will be starting our maths lessons with daily times table practice. 



This half-term we will be studying the Stone Age.




We will be focusing on our painting skills. We will look at the colour wheel and different paining techniques. 




We will be looking at mechanical systems - levers and linkages. 


This half-term, our computing unit is Computing Systems and Networks - Connecting Computers.


In RE, we will be looking at what kind of world Jesus wanted. 




We will be looking at rhythm and layer in our weekly music sessions. 


Our enquiry question this half-term is:

 What makes a good friend? 

We will also be looking at online danger and sharing information online.


In Science, we will be studying Rocks and soils. 

Key dates

Monday 2nd September 2024

INSET day – school closed for staff training

Tuesday 3rd – Friday 6th September 2024

International Week

Parents visit classrooms (Friday 2:45pm)

Tuesday 17th September 2024

Y4 Rounders Tournament @Brookfield 1:30pm

Thursday 19th September 2024

MTC Parent information meeting 3pm

Friday 20th September 2024 1pm

Wizard of OZ panto – whole school

Tuesday 24th  September 2024

Harvest Festival assembly

Wednesday 25th September 2024

Flu vaccinations

Friday 27th September 2024

Parents invited to read in class 8:35 – 9am

Tuesday 1st October 2024

 Harvest Festival St John’s Church


Black History Month

Thursday 3rd October 2024

National Poetry Day

Friday 4th October 2024

Trust INSET – school closed

Monday 7th October 2024

BJA Inset – school closed

National Library week – all classes to visit new library in Swinton

Tuesday 8th October 2024

National Grandparent appreciation day – 2:30, Tea, biscuits and reading

Friday 11th October 2024

Individual photos


Monday 21st October – Friday 25th October 2024

Recycling week


Thursday 24th October 2024

Halloween Disco – Friends of Brookfield (pm)


Friday 25th October 2024

Parents invited to read in class 8:35 – 9am

Topic Showcase pm

Last day of term

Useful websites