Elm (Y3)
Welcome to Y3/4 Elm Class!
Elm class teacher is Mrs Green
This page is for our parents and pupils to see what learning we have achieved, for updates, key dates and helpful websites.
If you wish to contact Miss Green directly, please email at
Key Dates
3rd Sep- All pupils back
3rd-6th Sep- Internation Week (Greece for Maple, Greek dress up on 6th)
20th Sep- Wizard of Oz Pantomine
25th Sep- Flu Vaccinations
27th Sep- Parent Reading morning
1st Oct- Harvest Festival at St John's Methodist Church
1st-31st Oct- Blank History Month
3rd Oct- National Poetry Day
4th Oct- INSET DAY
7th Oct- INSET DAY
10th Oct- Y3/4 Murton Park Visitor
11th Oct- Individual Photographs
24th Oct- Halloween Disco
25th Oct End of term, Class showcase and parent reading morning
4th Nov- Academy reopens
11th-15th Nov- Anti-bullying week
11th Nov- Remembrance Day
15th Nov- Children in Need
18th -22nd Nov- Road Safety Week
26th Nov- Parents evening
12th Dec- Christmas Fayre
13th Dec- Parents Reading morning, Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas Party
16th Dec- KS2 Christmas Through the Decades
19th Dec- Christmas Carole performance at St Margaret's Church 10:30am
19th Dec Christmas Movie afternoon
Autumn 1
The book that we are reading this half term is 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes.
You can listen to each chapter by clicking on the link below:
We will be using this text to create:
- An internal monologue- write from a seagull’s perspective
- Free writing– the Iron Man reflecting on his day
- Hogarth’s diary– explore feelings
- Formal speech) – persuade adults
- Poem– entertain other children • Free write– an informal letter to a friend
Final piece: a newspaper report– inform a wide audience, including adults
For more information about how we teach English at BJA, please visit our Writing page.
The pupils will be provided with 10 weekly spellings as part of their homework. The pupils will be tested on their spelling knowledge every Friday. The pupils can practice their spellings by clicking on the link below which will direct them to Spelling Shed, our spelling scheme. Pupils logins are located on page 11 of their planners. Please speak to Miss Harrop if you have any queries.
Please see the long term plan for spellings below:
In Key Stage 2, daily reading sessions are planned to maintain a love for reading and develop skills as outlined in the National Curriculum:
- Vocabulary
- Fluency
- Summarising
- Inference
- Predication
- Explain
- Retrieval
We teach reading daily, with a different focus/genre each day.
Any pupils who have not yet completed the Read Write Inc. phonics programme will continue to attend daily phonic sessions to develop their fluency and confidence with reading. There will be extra tuition for target pupils. The pupils will complete a ‘Read and Repeat’ cycle. This means each week each child will take home:
- 1 taught ditty/Story book
- 1 book bag book
- 1 ‘reading for pleasure’ book for their parents/ carers to read to them to develop a love of reading
Below is a link to access Ruth Miskin's RWI portal videos to help you support your child's reading at home:
Home School Reading
We encourage parents/carers to listen to their child read regularly at home. We aim for every child to read at least 4 times a week at home. When teachers and support staff listen to pupils read, this is recorded in their planners.
Each week each child will take home –
- One reading book from the book band to read to their parents/ carers.
- One ‘reading for pleasure’ book for their parents/ carers to read to/with them to develop a love of reading
Each half term your child will receive a reading award if they read 4+ times or more a week at home. .
At BJA, we follow the White Rose Maths scheme of learning which underpins the values behind the mastery approach to teaching mathematics.There are many elements to the teaching and learning of Maths: it is not only the ability to calculate (being mathematically fluent) but also the ability to apply these skills to real life scenarios (solve problems and investigate) and also to talk knowledgeably about mathematical working (reasoning).
This term we will be covering the following units:
- Place Value - Numbers up to 1000
- Addition and Subtraction- Up to 1000
- Multiplication and Division- Recap 2s. 5s and 10s. Learn 3s, 4s and 10s
Please click on the links below to view our Long Term Plan and Curriculum Intent. For more information on how we teach maths at BJA, please see our Mathematics page.
Below you will see a number of different websites to support your child with their mathematical learning. Please look on page 11 of your child's planner for their TTRS login.
Please speak to Miss Green if you require assistance.
In Science this half-term, we are looking at rocks and forces. We will be investigating their properties, how rocks and fossils are formed before moving on to look at forces-focusing on forces as a push and a pull, and the things we can do to make pushing and pulling easier. This will link to our History unit: The Stone Age; as the pupils will consider how Stone Age people moved the enormous rocks to Stonehenge.
In History, the pupils will be introduced to the idea that people have been living in Britain for a very long time. They will learn about changes which occurred from the middle Stone Age (Mesolithic times) to the late Stone Age (Neolithic times). These will include geographical as well as social/economic: the change from hunter-gatherers to farmers. Pupils will also be encouraged to recognise the continuities too. For example, there is very little change in houses, house-building or settlement size. For this period there is no written evidence, so archaeological evidence is very important. Pupils will investigate issues and solve valid historical questions as well as to use the evidence to pose their own enquiry questions. There is also a strong emphasis on knowledge and developing the historical narrative so that pupils can fit their learning into future units at KS2 and beyond.
For computing, pupils will develop their understanding of digital devices, with an initial focus on inputs, processes, and outputs. They will also compare digital and non-digital devices. Next, pupils will be introduced to computer networks, including devices that make up a network’s infrastructure, such as wireless access points and switches. Finally, pupils will discover the benefits of connecting devices in a network.
Religious Education (RE)
In RE this term, pupils will be focusing on answering the enquiry question 'What is it like for someone to follow God?' Pupils will learn about the Old Testament people of God and how they lived their lives. They will learn the story of Noah, considering what it was like for him to follow God. They will learn about the covenant that Christians believe that Noah made with God, making links to the promises that Christians make at a wedding ceremony. Pupils will spend time looking at several texts that share stories from the Old Testament people of God in detail. They will consider the importance of returning to the original text for meaning rather than learning the story from videos or children’s books. Later in the unit, pupils will learn about the story of Abram/Abraham and the covenant that he made with God. They will consider why following God might sometimes feel hard for believers.
In RSHE this half term, we will be focusing on the following units:
Fr1) What makes a good friend?
- Appreciate that we have responsibilities to our friends.
- Acknowledge that other people’s emotions are important.
- Understand that our actions can affect other people’s feelings.
- Learn what we can do to maintain healthy relationships.
OS1) Online strangers
- Understand that people on the internet are not always who they say they are, and may have malicious intentions.
- Understand the importance of keeping personal information private; strategies for keeping safe online, including how to manage requests for personal information or images of themselves and others.
- Know what to do if frightened or worried by something seen or read online and how to report concerns, inappropriate content and contact.
Os2) Sharing Online
- Understand that we must keep our personal information safe.
- Understand what is appropriate in friendships and wider relationships (including online).
- Understand why someone may behave differently online, including pretending to be someone they are not; strategies for recognising risks, harmful content and contact, how to report concerns.
In Art this half-term, we will be focusing on the artist Lazerinni and other Italian artists. We will take inspiration from his artwork to create our own Stone Age artwork. We will focus on the following skills:
- To mix, match and use tints, shades and tones with increasing accuracy and use specific colour language e.g. tint, tone, shade, hue.
-To select and use an appropriate range of brushes in one piece of work to create different effects
- To explore and use acrylic techniques.
- To work on sustained pieces, editing and improving over time.