Willows (Y2)
Welcome to Willows class. Your teacher is Mrs Pounder.
Spellings will be (usually handed out on Friday and tested the following Friday)
Planners will be checked every Friday
Important messages will be put on our Facebook page as necessary.
Our book for SPRING
The sequence of learning will develop children’s understanding of the story, characters, themes and language. The unit teaches reading, including fluency, vocabulary and comprehension, and meaningful writing, for a range of form, purpose and audience.
The teaching of grammar and punctuation is embedded within analysis of the language and structures used to tell the story, through activities that explore the effect these might have on readers.
The children are taught to apply what they have learnt to their own writing, making choices to affect their readers’ thoughts and feelings. All learning culminates in a final piece of written work.
(For more information about how we teach English at BJA, please visit our Writing page)
By this point in the year the majority of Year 2 children have completed the RWInc program. They will now be working on developing their fluency and comprehension skills.
All children will fetch home 2 school phonic/reading scheme books at their level and can also choose a reading for pleasure book from the class library.
It is expected that pupils are reading their books '4 or more times a week'. Please make sure you evidence this in your child's planner.
At BJA, we follow the White Rose Maths scheme of learning which underpins the values behind the mastery approach to teaching mathematics.There are many elements to the teaching and learning of Maths: it is not only the ability to calculate (being mathematically fluent) but also the ability to apply these skills to real life scenarios (solve problems and investigate) and also to talk knowledgeably about mathematical working (reasoning).
During this term we will be focussing on STATISTICS, 2D SHAPE & 3D SHAPE
Below you will see a number of links for different websites to support your child with their mathematical learning.
Times Tables Rock Stars
Karate Cats
ICT games - Maths
This unit overlaps with PSHE in terms of health & wellbeing. It takes the concepts we learnt in the ‘living things and habitats’ unit, and builds on them in the context of humans.
Students will consider the general facts that we learnt about plants and animals, and begin to apply them to themselves.
We will go on to look at humans in particular, and the things that students should know about themselves in order to be as healthy as possible.
We begin by looking at the things which keep us alive, and go on to learn the difference between ‘staying alive’ and ‘being healthy’.
In RSE we will be learning about KEEPING HEALTHY based around the following questions.
How do I help my body stay healthy?
How do I decide what to eat?
How do I stop getting ill?
In RE we shall be thinking about EASTER.
Within this unit, pupils will recognize that the concepts of God, Incarnation, Gospel and Salvation are all part of the big story of the Bible. They will find out about the key events of Holy Week and Easter, making links with the Christian belief of salvation. Pupils will learn about how Christians show their beliefs about Jesus being their savior within celebrations and worship in church at Easter. Pupils will learn about the instructions that Christians believe that Jesus gave his followers about how to behave. They will consider what the story of Easter means for Christians today and why they put their hope in heaven.
Learners will begin to understand what the term data means and how data can be collected in the form of a tally chart.
They will learn the term ‘attribute’ and use this to help them organise data.
They will then progress onto presenting data in the form of pictograms and nally block diagrams. Learners will use the data presented to answer questions.
During this unit of work learners will use j2e pictogram tool which can be accessed online using a desktop, laptop or tablet computer.
This term our unit is GYMNASTICS/LOCOMOTION
Lesson 1: Shapes
Lesson 2: Balances (Individual > mirror/ matching)
Lesson 3: Jumps
Lesson 4: Rolls
Lesson 5: Jumps/ Rolls/ Balances/ Travelling/Performing
In this unit, pupils will explore a range of textile products.
They will discover that products are made from fabric pieces which are joined in a variety of ways.
Children will develop skills in joining fabrics with glue and simple stitches.
They will design a product for an intended user and purpose and will use skills and techniques learned in the unit to make their product. Children will finally evaluate their products against the original design criteria.
Children will continue to develop their drawing skills and look at the self-portraits of significant artists.
They will link this to their Maths learning on symmetry to produce a finished self-portrait.