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Striving for




Willows (Y2)

Welcome to Willows class. Your teacher is Mrs Pounder.

PE is on MONDAY AFTERNOON (change of date)

Spellings will be (usually handed out on Friday and tested the following Friday)

Planners will be checked every Friday

Important messages will be put on our Facebook page as necessary.



Autumn 2


Our book for Autumn 2

 The Tin Forest: Ward, Helen, Anderson, Wayne: 9781848776678:  Books        

The sequence of learning will develop children’s understanding of the story, characters, themes and language. The unit teaches reading, including fluency, vocabulary and comprehension, and meaningful writing, for a range of form, purpose and audience.

The teaching of grammar and punctuation is embedded within analysis of the language and structures used to tell the story, through activities that explore the effect these might have on readers.

The children are taught to apply what they have learnt to their own writing, making choices to affect their readers’ thoughts and feelings. All learning culminates in a final piece of written work.

(For more information about how we teach English at BJA, please visit our Writing page)       



At Brookfield Junior Academy we follow the Read Write Inc. phonics programme to promote fluent, confident readers who develop a love and enjoyment for reading. 

  • We aim to ensure every child is able to read at age related expectation, regardless of their background, needs or abilities.
  • We aim to ensure all pupils, including the weakest readers, make sufficient progress to meet or exceed age-related expectations.
  • We aim to ensure the teaching of reading develops pupils’ vocabulary, language comprehension and a love of reading.
  • We aim to ensure pupils have the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of exciting stories, poems, rhymes and non-fiction.

The pupils are taught phonics daily, with extra tuition for targets pupils and with extra practice sessions in the lead up to the phonics screening check. The pupils will complete a ‘Read and Repeat’ cycle. This means each week each child will take home:

  • 1 taught ditty/Story book
  • 1 book bag book
  • 1 ‘reading for pleasure’ book for their parents/ carers to read to them to develop a love of reading  

It is expected that pupils are reading their phonics books '4 or more times a week'. Please make sure you evidence this in your child's planner.

For more information please visit our Phonics page.


Don't forget to log on to spelling shed to practice your spellings.




At BJA, we follow the White Rose Maths scheme of learning which underpins the values behind the mastery approach to teaching mathematics.There are many elements to the teaching and learning of Maths: it is not only the ability to calculate (being mathematically fluent) but also the ability to apply these skills to real life scenarios (solve problems and investigate) and also to talk knowledgeably about mathematical working (reasoning).

During this term we will be foccussin gon ADDITION, SUBTRACTION and MONEY.

Please click on the links below to view our Long Term Plan and Curriculum Intent. For more information on how we teach maths at BJA, please see our Mathematics page.

Maths Curriculum Intent

Below you will see a number of links for different websites to support your child with their mathematical learning.


Times Tables Rock Stars

Karate Cats

ICT games - Maths




Significant historical events: The Great Fire of London

How did the Great Fire of London start, spread, and impact the people and city of London, and why is it still considered an important event in history today?

Chronological Understanding – Introduction to the Fire - When and where did the Great Fire of London happen?

Similarities and Differences – London in 1666 - What were houses and streets in London like in 1666?

Cause and Consequence – Cause of the Fire - How did the Great Fire of London start?

Historical Enquiry – Spread of the Fire - How did the wind affect the spread of the fire?

Change and Continuity – Rebuilding London - How was London rebuilt after the fire?

Significance – Samuel Pepys’ Diary - Who was Samuel Pepys and why is his diary important?

Historical Interpretation – Monuments and Memorials - Why was The Monument built and what does it represent?



In RSE we will be learning about keeping safe online.

This will include screen time and its alternatives, not sharing personal information, internet safety and strangers online and cyberbullying.

E-safety - Mersey Park Primary School

In RE we shall be continuing to look at aspects of Christianity.

Year 2 - What is the 'good news' that Christians say Jesus brings? – Part 2  Lesson 2

Computing- Programming & Robot Algorithms 

This unit develops pupils’ understanding of instructions in sequences and the use of logical reasoning to predict outcomes. Pupils will use given commands in different orders to investigate how the order affects the outcome. Pupils will also learn about design in programming. They will develop artwork and test it for use in a program. They will design algorithms and then test those algorithms as programs and debug them.

Bee Bots in the Classroom


This terms unit is 'Locomation' Skills will include:

I can change speed and direction while running

I can jump accurately (from standing)

I can take a jump from running

I can compete against myself to run faster

I recognise a change in temperature, breathing and heart rate when exercising

I am beginning to control my movements

I am beginning to co-ordinate my movements

I can suggest improvements in others’ work

I can suggest improvements in my own work