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Sycamore (Y5)

Welcome to Y5 Sycamore class with Miss Sales and Miss Plumer.

This page is for our parents and children to use together and will provide information about what Y5 are learning, key dates, homework and helpful websites.

We have a fantastic year of learning ahead of us, with lots of opportunities to grow as independent, enthusiastic and creative individuals.

PE information

Our PE day is Thursday. Please ensure children have the correct PE kit and no jewellery to be worn. 

Our weekly French lessons are on a Thursday

Our spelling test is on a Monday.

Our times tables test is on a Friday.

English and Maths homework needs to be returned by Friday. We know lots of you enjoy being creative as well, please find below a homework menu your child is more than welcome to complete.

Everyday Equipment 

Children should ensure they have a water bottle, reading book and their planner daily.

Planners are checked on a Friday to monitor the weekly reads. Remember children should be reading at least 4 times a week and this should be recorded in their planner. 

Autumn Term 

In the first half-term of Autumn, our topic will be The Tudors. We will be learning about the different Tudor monarchs, examining whether their reigns were a turning point in English history and debating if they deserve the reputations they even have today. Our science this half-term will look at humans and the changes they go through at different stages in lives.  

The Tudors - BBC Teach

In the second half-term, our focus will be on geography and answering the question ‘’where does water go?’ Here children will learn about the features and processes of a river, how flooding occurs and how waterfalls are formed. In science, we will be investigating and comparing properties of materials, working as scientists to explore why we use materials in different ways.

English will see us start our new, novel 'Treason' written by the amazing Berlie Doherty. Written work will be developed upon this with a focus on writing to inform, as children will get to step into life of William Montague and explore his life and feelings as he navigates through Henry VIII’s Tudor court.


Maths will see a focus upon number, as we examine the place value of numbers up to 1,000,000 and then apply this knowledge when adding and subtracting. We will also continue to expand our multiplication and division knowledge, so spend time fine-tuning times tables knowledge on TT Rockstars.

In RE, our focus will be upon Christianity as we look at why some people believe in God and examine how Christians live by the values of Jesus in the 21st Century. Our artist study will be on Giuseppe Arcimboldo.

Rare Historical Photos


Important Dates: 

Tuesday 17th October 2023 – Visit to Rotherham United

Friday 20th October 2023 - Topic Showcase

Monday 30th October 2023 - Halloween Disco

Thursday 16th November 2023 - Parents' Evening (letters to be sent out soon to book appointments)

Wednesday 20th December 2023 - Christmas Disco


The Tudors

What a wonderful start to our topic we have had! The children have been engaged and enjoyed taking on the parts of the major figures in the War of the Roses. We had an interesting discussion about whether Richard III really was the murderer of his nephews and stole the throne from them, where the class decided – he was innocent! We also had the pleasure of welcoming the Library Service as they delivered a workshop where we learnt all about Henry VIII.

Top 10 Facts about The Wars Of The Roses - Discover Walks Blog

National Fitness Day

Thank you to everyone who participated in our National Fitness Day. We had a sports filled day, where we were all thoroughly exhausted at the end of it (10,000 steps had been taken by lunchtime!) We also learnt about the importance of fitness and a healthy balanced diet, for both our physical and mental health.

Useful websites: 

TT Rockstars - every child has their own log in. Children are encouraged to practise their tables regularly and school often run tournaments. 

primary homework help - a great resource covering various topics

BBC Bitesize – Life in Tudor Times – a collection of excellent videos allowing children to explore what life was like in Tudor Times.