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The Children's University


We are very proud to be one of the first Rotherham schools to be part of Rotherham Children's University.


The Children's University is a celebration of extracurricular activities that children participate in. Children can earn credits for attending and taking part in various activities outside the normal school day. These credits then lead to awards and celebrations and a graduation ceremony.

Mrs Moore leads on the Children's University, she can be contacted for further information by calling th school office.

Children that are part of the school council, anti bullying ambassadors and play ground leaders will accumulate credits which our admin team will add to their individual dashboard. This is the same for children that attend after school clubs.  

If you child's club is not currently a 'learning destination' with the Children's University, then they can be encouraged to attend. A member of the Children's University team will discuss the benefits with them.

Passports can be purchased for £2 if you wish your child to collect credits at groups and events in the community.  

Our school council applied for the Acorn fund through the Children's University and were successful in being awarded £250 for a new after school club. 


Mrs Moore attended the Children's University Graduation at University Centre Rotherham to celebrate one of our pupils achieving the Gold award for completing 100 hours in extracurricular activities. We hope that more pupils will achieve this award in the 23/24 academic year.