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School Meals

All school meals are cooked and prepared fresh on our premises every day.  We only use locally sourced produce, to ensure your child gets the best quality of food.
Our school kitchen is managed by Riverside Catering, Rotherham Council.

My child needs a special diet, can they still have a school lunch?

With a variety of foods provided, we are able to cater for a different range of different tastes, prescribed medical diets, and diagnosed food allergies.  We will need to meet with parents/carer’s and dieticians to discuss individual requirements.  Please contact school to arrange an appointment with Mrs Joanne Watson Catering Manager.

Hi, my name is Joanne Watson and I’m the Catering Manager at Brookfield Junior Academy kitchen, I have been involved in school meals for 18 years.  My team, which includes three catering staff, and I are hands on to ensure your child gets a healthy and substantial school meal, to provide them with the nutrition they need.

We would like to encourage your child to stay for a school meal, as we know if they eat well they learn well.  At dinner time the service is cafeteria style where the children all sit together and interact with each other socially.

We hope you will encourage your child to stay for a school meal.



Break Time Snacks

Pupils in EYFS enjoy daily 'Snack and Chat' time, where they enjoy free fruit and milk and talk about planned themes and topics. These could be linked to celebrations, events etc. and develop speaking and listening skills. 

Pupils in KS1 enjoy free fruit and milk during their morning playtime.

Pupils in KS2 are welcome to purchase a warm slice of buttered toast, for 20p per day or £1 per week. Orders are taken each Monday and any additional funds raised go straight back into resources, experiences, workshops and trips for our pupils.