At Brookfield Junior Academy Religious Education (R.E) is taught throughout school and is based upon the Rotherham Agreed Syllabus for RE. within the National Curriculum.
The teaching of RE allows our pupils to learn about the world around them and encourages them ask and answer challenging questions. Teaching will equip our pupils with knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and world views, enabling them to develop their ideas, values and identity. It will cultivate their spiritual, moral social and cultural development. Our British Values are important to us and being good citizens means understanding other cultures and their beliefs.
The ACET Long Term Planning outlines the religions each year group will study and the enquiries they will complete.
For each academic year, the content of the curriculum for each subject, including mandatory subjects such as religious education (RE), even if it’s taught as part of something else or called something else
Please click here for the RE Curriculum Intent
The ACET R.E Skills grid is a guideline on the skills that will be taught in each year group to ensure that children leave all ACET primaries prepared for KS3 and able to participate positively in our diverse society.
ACET RE skills progression document.
The R.E Vocabulary document outlines key terminology to refer to in FS, KS1 and KS2.
All staff and children meet for daily worship. This can be in a variety of forms including class stories and Key Stage or whole school assemblies.
The content of our assemblies encourages a positive ethos of tolerance, caring and understanding for all. Assemblies are used to reinforce and develop school standards.
At Brookfield Junior Academy we will also celebrate different religious festivals. This may include special assemblies, creative activities, visits and visitors and themed days and weeks.
The R.E Festivals document is a calendar of religious festivals categorised by religion.
If you have any questions about how RE is taught within school or how to further support your children at home please do not hesitate to contact our RE Subject leader: Miss Harrop
Useful links:
As per DfE guidance, parents have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE lessons. We request that this is done in person via the Principal. Many thanks.